Have you been down to check out the opening celebrations yet? Remember there are things happening all week. See my post below for details. I went down on Friday night and Saturday morning and let me tell you the place was pumping! And everything that was happening cost nothing to participate in. Here is a look at the talented Trina McClune's class for Fiskar's "Hole Lot of Loving" - gorgeous layouts were being created and the ladies were having so much fun learning new techniques with the Fiskar's tools. That is one noisy, fun, class and it is happening all over again on Wednesday and Saturday, and it is free! Have I stressed that enough lol!

Demo's were also going on in store of new products...here is the lovely Andrea demonstrating the Fiskar's stamp press, I love love love this tool...such a simple concept but so clever!

And people were able to have a play on the new Cricut Expressions - my fave new toy! Incidentally did you know you can use the Cricut to cut acetate - Fiona Newth the cricut and cuttlebug expert gave me a tip about cutting out a large box with a cute flower on top from acetate using the tags, bags and boxes cartridge and filling it with sweets - makes a gorgeous gift! Will share a pic when I have filled it so you can see what I mean.

Speaking of Fiona, here she is taking one of her free Cricut and Cuttlebug classes. I was lucky enough to be helping out with one of these on Friday night and I learned heaps of new tips. My favourite was the cutting out of felt accents using the Cuttlebug dies and then layering them up to create beautiful embellies for you pages. I am off out this morning to get some of those dies and will share a pic of the accents also when I have made them. Super cute Fiona!

And last but not least here is a pic of the very talented Ian Handricks. He is the resident photo restoration and genealogy expert. This guy is simply amazing - I spent half an hour in his company one day and came away in awe of his talent! Ask him to show you the stunning fairy photos or caricatures he can make using your photos or the fantastic restorations he can do. He is also the man to talk to if you are considering researching your family history. He is very approachable and will love to show you examples of his work.

Well that is about all for now...off to get my cuttlebug dies!
More to share soon
Jo :O)
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